Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision at Sheringdale School​
Our aims for pupils with Special Needs are as follows:
- Attainment in core skills, such as literacy, numeracy, speech and language, communication and social skills
- Equality, Access and Inclusion
- Well-being, Enjoyment and Confidence
We achieve these aims by:
- Providing high quality learning experiences and a supportive, inclusive environment to all pupils including those with SEND.
- Identifying and closely monitoring pupils who have SEND.
- Putting in place effective provision that is additional to or different from that which all children receive.
- Working in partnership with parents.
- Liaising with outside agencies (such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and many more).
- Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the provision (in terms of individual pupils, groups of pupils and whole school policy) and making changes to provision on the basis of this.
The type of provision that is put in place includes:
- Specific intervention programmes. These are carefully selected based on their effectiveness. Individual pupil’s particular pattern of needs are analysed and interventions are matched carefully to meet their needs and bring about accelerated progress.
- Specific, individually tailored strategies and individual behaviour plans.
- Classroom-based support to enable access to the curriculum and accelerate learning.
- Specialised equipment and resources to enable access and boost progress.
Communication takes the form of:
- SEND meetings 3 times a year to review progress and provision involving the child’s parents, teacher, any support staff working with the child (such as teaching assistant or learning mentor) and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).
- Additional meetings at other times of year between school staff and parents whenever necessary as well as informal conversations before and after school.
- Communication between parents and SENDCo via email.
Please contact for more information.
SEND Coordinator
Des Nunes
SEN information from the DFE-Click
What is the ‘Local Offer’?
The Local Offer sets out everything that is available to children with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND) and their families in the Local Authority.
The Local Offer for Wandsworth Local Authority can be found on Wandsworth’s Family Information Service (FIS) website.
As a Wandsworth LA school, we are mindful of the Wandsworth Local Offer and we work within its guidance. Please Click for more info.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
At Sheringdale Primary School we strongly believe that cultural and linguistic diversity is a rich resource for the entire school. We recognise that pupils’ achievement is linked to a welcoming, caring and safe environment where each child feels confident and valued. When a new child, whose first language is not English, arrives at Sheringdale they are allocated a buddy to guide them through the first few days. If we feel it would be beneficial to the child, there may be a period of focussed support from the EAL Teaching Assistant outside of the classroom to enable to access the curriculum. However, continuing support to access the curriculum will be provided in class ensuring that the child feels welcome and included from the very beginning.