School Gateway
We are a 'cash free' school and encourage our parents and carers to make payments online through the School Gateway app
The set-up process is simple and will take no more than a couple of minutes:
1. Search for “School Gateway” in the Apple App Store/Google Play or on your phone go to (Apple) or (Android)
2. Install the app and if you are asked then say yes to “Allow Push Notifications”
3. When you launch School Gateway for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and enter the email address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the school - (using a different email or telephone number will not allow you to register)
4. The system will send a PIN code to your phone; please enter this PIN code and the app will be activated for you.
If you’ve recently changed your email address or mobile telephone number, please let us know so we can update our records.
Payments for the following items are all accepted and can be found in the 'products' section.
- School Lunches
- School Visits (Day trips and Residential)
- Green School and PE Bags
- School Enrichment and Improvement Fund
- Private School References
- School Activity clubs
- Beanstalk and Breakfast Club
All written communication from the school is sent through Sims In Touch. You do not need to register for this as once we have your email address you will automatically receive school communication.