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Modern Foreign Language

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Modern Foreign Language Statement of Intent

At Sheringdale, we are committed to delivering an inclusive, exciting and relevant MFL curriculum with excellent coverage and progression. We use Language Angels, a specially designed MFL curriculum which enables us to employ a 'speaking first' approach. We consider this important because it mirrors how we naturally acquire our first language (through listening and conversation); build confidence by prioritising communication early; help learners grasp the basic structures and patterns of language as a foundation for grammar; and allows for real-world interaction, enabling learners to use the language in daily situations before moving on to more formal written skills.

Two languages (Spanish and French) are taught across KS2, chosen due to their relevance in our modern world, future language choices available at our local secondary schools and the Sheringdale community interests and backgrounds.   We believe the learning of foreign languages provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for children. By developing communication and literacy skills, children can lay the essential foundations required to learn languages, whilst also reinforcing the skills required for learning English.  Discussion of similarities between modern languages are essential for deeper understanding, and children are encouraged to explore and extend their learning whenever possible. Language links are made through other subjects, such as geography and English, and opportunities for enrichment activities across the school, from the Early Years to Year 6, ensure that MFL is embedded in our cross-curricular approach.

MFL at Sheringdale also plays and important part within the PSHE curriculum, our wellbeing and sense of identify and fostering positive community relationships. To this end, students write to pen pals in both Spain and France, enjoying an ongoing correspondence. Languages from all over the world are spoken at Sheringdale and the children are taught to view all in a positive way, learning from each other and developing understanding of other’s cultures.  In turn this enables them to broaden their knowledge and become more tolerant citizens, preparing them for a truly global future.