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Physical Education Statement of Intent

Physical Education (PE) at Sheringdale is an important and integral part of the children’s development. We deliver a broad, inclusive curriculum based in an ethos of all children, regardless of ability, participate with enthusiasm, develop stamina and master physical confidence and coordination.  We have made a large commitment to teaching PE by investing in a team of three specialist PE teachers. This enables us to not only deliver top quality lessons for the Early Years through to Year 6, but also broaden the range of clubs, lunchtime activities and competitive events children attend.

The PE curriculum is supported by a well-equipped hall for gymnastics, table tennis and games, and a marked playground for team games and active free playtimes. In addition, we offer a large range of after-school clubs each term, sporting events for the whole school, and a full calendar of sporting fixtures within the borough, ensure that Sheringdale children can develop their physical skills to the full. The various sporting events challenge the children’s skills while developing their spirit of co-operation, fun and learning to win and lose with good grace. 

A full range of physical activities are taught; including invasion games, gymnastics, dance, striking and fielding games, swimming and athletics. We promote a healthy lifestyle through the enjoyment of physical exercise, nurturing the ethos of fair play and team spirit, always teaching safe practice and good use of sports apparatus.  Children are encouraged to reflect on their learning in PE and verbalise the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle, both in terms of physical and mental wellbeing.  Close links across the curriculum, particularly with PSHE, ensure all children understand how a love of PE can have life-long implications as they grow and develop.


The Girls Football Team played fantastically at the Premier League Primary Stars National Girls Football tournament and came 10th in the country!